The typeface "FF Polymorph" is inspired by characters from all over the world.
Therefore characters with the shape of Latin letters were selected from the Unicode
Standard. About 500 characters of 43 scripts can be read as Latin letters.
A great help for research was the website
According to their formal characteristics many of the 500 selected characters
were divided into four groups (Decoration, Serif, Loop and Interruption).
The result is a basic font, that turns into four styles or rather four directions
(north, east, south, west), which are inspired by the preceding classification.
Each font has an alternative set. This abstract code can be layered above
its legible equivalent or used for decoration. (2006/2007)
In February 2008 "FF Polymorph" was released by FontFont
FontShop Newsletter February 2008
Also in February 2008 the typeface received an award in the category type
design from the Tokyo Type Directors Club.