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The publication and research project "Bauhaus Type Action: Neue Typografien 2019—2023"
tries to capture collectively new typographies 100 years after Laszlo Moholy-Nagy outlined
"the" new typography in his essay "Die Neue Typographie" (1923).
The book includes type designs and typographic works by students of Bauhaus-Universität
Weimar from classes of Stefanie Schwarz. The second part contains texts about
"new typography" from 22 designers who share their perspectives and approaches in the
field of typography and type design.
(148 pages, 170x240 mm, 2024)

authors: Jonas Beuchert, Fernanda Cozzi, Oded Ezer, Allen Hori, Golnar Kat-Rahmani,
Ricarda Löser, Michael Mischler, Anne Odling-Smee, Verena Panholzer, Rathna Ramanathan,
Masihne Rasuli, Charlotte Rohde, Rajshree Saraf, Tilman Schlevogt, Stefanie Schwarz,
Johanna Siebein, Patrick Thomas, Nik Thoenen, Andrea Tinnes, Dirk Wachowiak, Markus Weisbeck,
Marcus Wichmann, Andrea Wilkinson

editor & designer: Stefanie Schwarz
editorial assistance: Masihne Rasuli
copy editing & proofreading: Anisha Peplinski
publisher: Lucia Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-945301-76-0
